The Journey from ILM to UMT
UMT is a project of Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Trust. ILM was established in 1990 by leading educationists, professionals, and industrialists with an aim to enhance the organizational and individual effectiveness. Guided by the noble mission of helping others in actualizing their limitless human potential to its finest shape, ILM sought to respond to the challenges of information-based economy, globalization, and ever increasing complexity.
The University of Management and Technology has evolved into a premier institution of higher learning in the country. Recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) as a “W4” category (highest rank) university, UMT is also the first in the Punjab amongst medium sized universities in the general category.
UMT – now an independent, not-for-profit, private institution of higher learning – received her degree-granting charter first as the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) in 2002 through an Act of the Assembly of the Punjab. Later, on 16 June 2004, IMT became University of Management and Technology through the passing of a similar Act by the Punjab Assembly.
In September 2007, the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan, upgraded the category of UMT from ‘Category X’/ previous ‘Category B’ to ‘Category W’/ previous ‘Category A’.
Academic Distinction
UMT offers a broad range of bachelor, master and doctoral degree programs in 150+ disciplines such as Commerce, Accounting, Business Administration, Banking and Finance, Business and IT, Computer Science, Economics, Education, Electrical Engineering, Aviation, Management, Supply Chain, Textile Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Information Systems, Linguistics, Media and Communication, Agribusiness, School Management, Social Sciences, Educational Leadership Management, Law, English Language Teaching, and many more.
All academic programs meet HEC criteria. The Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) has accredited electrical engineering program and permitted industrial engineering programs while the BBA and MBA programs are accredited by the National Business Education Accreditation Council. The National Computer Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC) has accredited the BC Computer Science and Software Engineering programs. Quality assurance systems as suggested by HEC have been implemented at UMT.
At present, thirteen schools and four institutes are operating under the umbrella of UMT, namely: Dr Hasan Murad School of Management (HSM), School of Systems and Technology (SST), School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSS&H), School of Professional Advancement (SPA), School of Law and Policy (SLP), School of Textiles and Design (STD), School of Commerce and Accountancy (SCA), School of Engineering (SEN), School of Governance and Society (SGS), School of Advanced Studies (SAS), School of Health Sciences (SHS), School of Architecture and Planning (SAP), School of Science (SSC), Institute of Islamic Banking (IIB), Institute of Applied Sciences (IAS), Institute of Communication and Cultural Studies (ICCS), and Institute of Clinical Psychology (ICP). UMT distinguishes itself with 450+ faculty members including 110+ PhDs, 15,000+ alumni-ae and 10,000 students from 100 districts of Pakistan and 17 countries across the globe. The University has state-of-the-art science, engineering and textile laboratories, computer network, well-stocked library with over 100,000 books and digital resources to facilitate learning and research. The University also offers generous financial assistance to students. Scholarships and merit based awards are being availed by a large number of students.